A two-part documentary film by Leonid Parfenov dedicated to the life of pioneering Russian-born American engineer Vladimir Zworykin-Muromets. Zworykin, known as the “father of television,” invented a number of devices, such as the kinescope, iconoscope and electron microscope, fundamental to early television technology.
The film and creators of Zworykin-Muromets received two TEFI Awards (Russia’s most prestigious award for work in television and equivalent of the Emmy) and a Laurel Branch Award in 2010:
TEFI (2010): “Best Director of a Documentary Film or Series” — Sergei Nurmamed and Ivan Skvortsov
TEFI (2010): “For Producing Invariably Bespoke Work Amidst Conveyor Television” — Leonid Parfenov
Laurel Branch Award (2010): “Best Educational Film” — Zworykin-Muromets
Author and anchor: Leonid Parfenov
Directors: Sergei Nurmamed, Ivan Skvortsov
Cinematography: Vladimir Kaptur
Executive director: Andrey Lazarev
Producers: Leonid Parfenov, Konstantin Ernst
Executive producers: Evgeniya Bogdanovich, Vasily Arkanov
Producers: Leonid Parfenov, Konstantin Ernst
The release of the film was accompanied by the book Zworykin-Muromets: Memoirs of the Inventor of Television (Moscow: Colibri Publishers, Azbuka-Atticus, 2011), as told to Frederick Olessi. Translated into Russian by Vasily Arkanov.